Archive for the habitual melodies Category

>Sony MDR-7506

Posted in Bass Down Low, dj, earth, editing, God, habitual melodies, los angeles, mixing, music recording, party, replacement pads, Sony MDR 7506, sound, video game on May 18, 2011 by habitualmelodies

>I’ve had this particular set of headphones for about 9 years now and it is the best fucking pair of headphones I have ever used.  Yes, I’m sure they’re better headphones out there but for $90 you’re wasting your money if you buy something else.

Mixing, editing, DJing, loaning, dropping, storing, creating and best of all recording music over the years has worn out the Ear Pads.  Fortunately, Sony offers replacement pads.

Here is my 4-step picture process of the Replacement Pads on the Sony MDR-7506.

Here is link where I bought the Replacement Pads through Amazon: CLICK HERE! (The-G-Spot)

>Ol’ Slick Willy the Video Game! Clinton that is…

Posted in America, bill clinton, black and white, clinton, coloring book, france, french, friday, fucker, habitual melodies, horny, Mikous, President, puppet, sex, tmnt, video game on May 13, 2011 by habitualmelodies


The French seem to have hit the nail on the head with this video. Bill Clinton will always be remembered… as a President… with needs…

>Super Street Fighter 4 for the 3DS ….and a few beers.

Posted in akuma, beer, chug, fightig game, habitual melodies, haduken, ken, m. bison, Mikous, nintendo 3ds, ryu, street pass, super street fighter 4, video game on May 11, 2011 by habitualmelodies


Its Super Street Fighter 4 in 3D. Its a winning combo on the 3DS with many options to explore and battles to be fought.
Button mashing will get you throught the easier difficulty settings, but will leave you behind if you choose to play against most online opponents. The touch pad makes good use of 4 moves,: 2 special attacks and 2 super combos. Kinda felt a lil lazy at first, but when I started incorporating them into my own move list I could see the potential.

A few more rounds of liquid gold, then some more fighting… back to the brew….. changed fighters.. explored some options.. got lost in the figures section for spot pass… beer me!… kept on fighting and lastly…

If you have a 3DS, you have this game. A solid launch title and adds to the Street Fighter experience in a few ways. Don’t forget to activate street pass! What a great feeling it is to have to beat an opponent just by walking by them!

>Hey it’s Friday, make sure and wrap IT up!

Posted in 69, Cock, commercial, date, doggystyle, Durex, friday, Friday night, fuck you, funny, God, habitual melodies, inspiration, Penis, pussy, royal wedding, sex, the 90's, trojan condoms on April 29, 2011 by habitualmelodies


Come evening time… use your head! Remember this commercial!

>Rhesus Macaque coloring book pic

Posted in black and white, coloring book, habitual melodies, Rhesus Macaque on April 28, 2011 by habitualmelodies


Enjoy some free time and digitally color or print out this 8.5 x 11 in. picture. Rhesus Macaque loves you, so you love Rhesus Macaque!

>Call of the Dead for COD:Black Ops

Posted in black ops, Call of duty, Call of the Dead, Danny Trejo, George A. Romero, habitual melodies, Michael Rooker, Mikous, Robert Englund, Sarah Michelle Gellar on April 27, 2011 by habitualmelodies


George A. Romero, the Godfather of Zombie movies has not only lent his likeness to the game but also some of his talents. As a huge fan, I plan on this being up to par with the rest of his work. Danny Trejo (Machete), Robert Englund (Friday the 13th), Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy), Michael Rooker (The Walking Dead) and the Z-man himself, George A. Romero (Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead) Glad its only a few days away. Sorry PS3 users, the network is still down….

>Habitual Melodies

Posted in animation, gif, habitual melodies, kuno on April 26, 2011 by habitualmelodies

>10 Minutes
Habitual Melodies